The content displayed on this page is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical or psychiatric care. Click here for more information about my policies.

What is Hypnosis?

Similar to meditation, hypnosis is a self-induced, natural state of being that we all enter and exit many times each day. It involves focused attention, reduced peripheral awareness, and deeper access to our imagination. Connecting to this part of your mind allows for shifts in ideas and thoughts to take place and brings information forward that may have been previously inaccessible.

Physical indicators of hypnosis:

  • The body may feel relaxed. It may feel lighter, heavier, or tingly.
  • Breathing may become slower and more shallow.
  • The gaze may become fixed, and the eyes may want to close.
  • REM or rapid eye movement may occur.
  • Minor noises and distractions may be easier to ignore.

Emotional & mental indicators of hypnosis:

  • The ability to connect to deeper feeling states may occur.
  • It may be easier to access and release deeply held emotions.
  • The ability to receive and implement verbal suggestions may be heightened.
  • The ability to focus may increase, allowing greater insight, knowing, and understanding.
  • Time may feel altered (sped up or slowed down).

What hypnosis is not.

  • A state of unconsciousness, suspended awareness, or sleep.
  • A panacea, cure-all, or "magic pill" for one's issues or problems.
  • A way to forget a person, problem, or event.
  • Mind control or brainwashing.

Is hypnosis safe, and how is it useful?
Endorsed by the AMA in 1958 as a "valid therapeutic tool," hypnosis is safe and effective for creating change.
Hypnosis helps you tap into your imagination and engages the subconscious to assist in:

  • Gaining different perspectives.
  • Exploring personal beliefs.
  • Connecting to inner wisdom.
  • Accessing emotional attachment.
  • Addressing thought patterns.

Can I use hypnosis with other healing modalities?
Absolutely, and I strongly suggest that my clients use any healing modality that aligns with their beliefs and works towards their wellbeing.

Can anyone be hypnotized?
Most everyone is hypnotizable. Even analytical people can create a state of trance. We all move in and out of the brainwave patterns we access during a hypnosis session multiple times daily. It is a normal and natural function of our minds.

How is information received while hypnotized?
Information received is through the imagination. While it may feel made up, the subconscious interprets it as truth. Listing from the most common to the least, you may receive information in the following ways:

  • An inner knowing
  • An inner vision
  • A distinct feeling
  • An inner voice
  • A distinct smell
  • A distinct taste

How do I know my hypnosis sessions worked?
It is possible that you will not feel different while in hypnosis. Most chanages are subtle and may take time and multiple sessions for hypnosis to be effective. You also may continue to process, mentally and emotionally, during the days or weeks following your session.
Indicators that change is taking place include:

  • Emotional release
  • Greater insight
  • Shift in thought or belief
  • Greater self-awareness

Can hypnosis have negative effects?
Because we are working subconsciously to address deeply held beliefs and patterns, the body and mind may go through a short readjustment phase. During this phase, it is possible to feel physical and mental symptoms such as:

  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Drowsiness or difficulty sleeping
  • Irritability
  • Anxiousness

What can I expect during my session?

Transpersonal hypnosis is what most would call clinical hypnosis. We work together to access information, answers, and healing within your subconscious mind. This type of hypnosis does not require a deep state to be effective and is best for accessing helpful and disruptive thought patterns and beliefs that you hold. Transpersonal hypnosis is best for creating personal and lifestyle changes, including fears, excessive worrying, unwanted habits, limited beliefs, energetic and emotional blocks, and physical and emotional pain.

Session Outline - Transpersonal:

  • We will take some time to discuss your issues, goals, and expectations. We will address any questions and set an intention for the session.
  • I will assist you in relaxing by using an induction similar to a guided meditation, or I may use a progressive relaxation technique.
  • While relaxed, you will use your imagination, emotional state, or physical sensations to tap into the issue. We will explore its energetic properties or origins and address and reset the thought patterns and the "story" surrounding the issue. We may use visualization exercises to work through, reparent, release, or resolve the situation, perhaps enhancing "feel good" feelings and affirming more positive thought patterns.
  • I will count up to 5, and you will open your eyes, bringing your awareness back to the present. We will then review your session and address any questions.

Current Life / Past Life / Womb Regression / Quantum Hypnosis or QHHT
Regression hypnosis taps into your soul's history to help you see an issue from a broader perspective, giving you greater understanding and clarity. Types of regression sessions that I facilitate:

  • Current Life Regression: Connect to an earlier or significant event in your present life. Address and release emotional attachments related to the time or event. We may also rewrite "the story" surrounding the event to achieve a more positive outcome.
  • Womb Regression: Connect to the time before your birth to address and release emotional attachments, events, or thoughts related to the gestation period, bringing clarity and understanding to the specific issues that arose within the womb.
  • Past Life Regression: Explore a previous lifetime for fun or to gain insight, understanding, and perspective on an issue affecting your current situation by experiencing it through a distant lens. These sessions focus on your soul's earthly history and the concept of karma.
  • Quantum Hypnosis or QHHT: Quantum Hypnosis is an enhancement of past life regression sessions. You will connect to the most appropriate experience that correlates to where you are now. You could experience a past life, alternate lifetime or reality, a current life, or only connect directly with your higher self. The pioneer Dolores Cannon, who developed this technique, had the foresight to share some of her most exciting sessions with us in her many books. And while her books are full of amazing adventures and healing, they may have created some misconceptions about the Quantum experience. Before she passed Dolores created a Q & A video about QHHT discussing the expectations and realities of having a session.

General Regression Session Outline:

  • We will take some time to discuss your goals and expectations, address any questions, and decide the intention for the session.
  • While you are seated or lying down, I will help you to relax by asking you to follow a guided meditation, or I may use a progressive relaxation technique.
  • Using your imagination, you will access a memory or a series of memories to help you understand the process and bring you to your destination. I may employ therapeutic techniques during the session to release any blocks or trapped emotions. We will then work through, reparent, release, or resolve the story while enhancing "positive" feelings and affirming thought patterns.
  • I will count from 1 to 5, and you will open your eyes, bringing your awareness back to the present. We will then review your session and address any questions.

Additional Information for Past Life Regression & Quantum Hypnosis:

  • Using your imagination, you will access a memory, a series of memories, or envision a place where you feel safe or happy. I will then guide you using suggestions to travel further back through your timeline to the most appropriate experience that correlates to where you are now or what your spiritual team and higher self have planned for you.
  • It is possible that in any of these sessions you may experience a past life, alternate lifetime or reality, a current life, or may only connect with your higher self/guidance (SC).
  • Note that I may employ therapeutic techniques during the session to relieve and resolve any blocks or trapped emotions.
  • Once we have concluded your journey, you will emerge from the hypnotic trance. We will then review your session and address any questions you may have.
  • Past Life Regression Sessions:
    * At the end of this session we review the lifetime with your guidance and I ask specific questions relating to the nature of the experience and how it correlates to your current circumstances.
  • Quantum Sessions:
    * At the end of these sessions I will ask the specific questions submitted by you and any followup questions as needed.
    * I may also ask your SC for a healing or an energetic download related to your questions.
    * Please take the time to view Dolores Cannon's Q&A video QHHT discussing the expectations and realities of having a session.

How do I ensure my session is effective and enjoyable?

Helpful suggestions to get the most of my session: Helpful suggestions to get the most out of your session:

  • Mediation: Practicing 10-15 minutes of mindfulness meditation 2 or 3 days a week benefits us as it trains us to divert attention away from the chatter of the ego mind, not to stop it, but to observe and shift our focus away from it.
  • Media: Limiting TV, internet, social media, and radio decreases our attention to distractions that cause feelings of anger, anxiety, sadness, comparison, and self-esteem issues.
  • Caffeine Consumption: Excess caffeine can inhibit the depth of the trance state; therefore, we ask that you limit your caffeine intake on the day of your session to curb any adverse effects.
  • Prescription Medication: Continue to take your prescriptions as directed by your physician.
  • ADHD Medication: If you are regularly taking medicine to treat ADD or ADHD, do not stop taking it on the day of your session, as it makes it harder to achieve hypnosis or remain hypnotized.
  • OTC and Non-prescription Drugs: Use your best discretion in using these medications to be comfortable and as pain-free as possible.
  • Illegal and Illicit Drugs & Alcohol: Arriving at your appointment under the influence or in a state of withdrawal will not enhance your experience or your ability to connect to your subconscious mind.
  • Friends and Family: To avoid distraction for myself and my clients, friends and family must wait outside or in the lobby until the session concludes.
  • Dressing for your Session: Please wear comfortable clothes and dress in layers, including wearing or bringing socks, as your feet will be the first to get cold during long sessions.
  • Comfort: I have many extra blankets and pillows; however, you can bring a favorite item to your session.
  • Movement You may move, stretch, adjust, yawn, and emote during your session.
  • Session Breaks: We may need to insert a break during longer sessions, but once returned, you will enter the trance state and continue as before.
  • Hydration: Bring adequate water required for your time with me.
  • Voice: Please speak up if you are distracted, need to use the toilet, are feeling cold, are uncomfortable, or are in pain so we can address your issue immediately and continue your session.
  • Remember: I am a facilitator, and your session will work best when you are open to the process and follow my instructions.
    Respond with the first thing that comes to mind, and do not wait for the ego to make a story around the question.
    Do not dismiss anything you are feeling, experiencing, or noticing.
    The more you talk, the more connected you are and the deeper you will go.
  • Zoom sessions The above applies to online sessions as well. Before connecting, please find a place where you will not be distracted by family & pets.

What if I can't be Hypnotized?

Most everyone is hypnotizable. As mentioned many times throughout this page, hypnosis is a self-induced state similar to meditation or daydreaming. It does not have a specific feel, and you are not unconscious. Your body and mind may feel the same as before the induction. As your practitioner and facilitator, I will assist you in relaxing and, in doing so, your subconscious mind and imagination are open and accessible. Occasionally, I may have a client who has difficulty or is resistant to the process due to belief, a feeling, or discomfort. We can resolve these issues through visualization techniques and tapping into resistance.

Difficulties can range from:

Issues that are easy to remedy:

  • Energetic blocks due to fear, trust, low self-esteem, or self-worth: The client can usually access the trance state after the block has been removed/worked through and released.
  • Physical Pain. I can help clients temporarily release the pain and get more comfortable. We can also take multiple breaks during the session for their comfort.

Issues that are more difficult:

  • Overly logical thinkers who have difficulty with abstract terms: The logical client thinks very literally and can have difficulty connecting to their imagination. The hypnosis client must be willing to consider the abstract side of their minds. Booking a shorter transpersonal session or working through visualization exercises before scheduling the longer spiritual sessions (Past Life Regression/QHHT) may help to bring understanding to the process of connecting to the subconscious mind.
  • Overly High Expectations: This type of client has a pre-conceived idea surrounding hypnosis, PLR, QHHT, etc.. and has difficulty letting go of those expectations. If the client is willing to let go, play, have fun, and follow my instructions, they most likely will succeed.

Issues I cannot work with:

  • Prescription Medication: Clients who choose not to take their as prescribed, including mental wellness drugs or drugs that assist with focus and concentration, will have a difficult time accessing and holding the trance state.
  • Illegal or illicit drugs: These types of drugs already put a person into an altered state of reality. The outcome of hypnosis combined with mind-altering drugs is unpredictable and unadvisable. Kris Krueger hypnosis discourages clients from using these types of drugs to enhance their hypnosis experience, and anyone suspected of using drugs or alcohol will be asked to leave and will be responsible for the cost of the session.
  • A client who booked a session against their will, to please a loved one or spouse, or mandated by any authority is not a good candidate for hypnosis.

Sample Questions: Quantum Hypnosis

To help facilitate your Quantum session, I have created this list of frequently asked questions for the higher-self Q&A. Feel free to use this list as inspiration to create the questions you want to ask during your session. Your prepared list should be easy to read, double-spaced, and to the point. Limit questions to one or two per topic, as each follow-up question adds to the total number allowed: 1 and 20 questions for QHHT Sessions and 1 and 5 questions for Mini Quantum Sessions. If your list exceeds the number set, consider looking for repeating themes, removing duplication, and rephrasing your questions.

Along with your questions, please provide a small list of the closest/most influential people in your life. Have your list neatly printed or typed before you arrive.

You may use my session worksheet to list out both your questions and the influential people in your life.

Physical body:

  • Why do I have (this medical issue)?
  • Can this (medical issue) be healed?
  • What caused my birthmark?
  • Do I have unseen physical needs of which I should be aware?
  • What is the best exercise for my body?
  • Are there changes I need to make to my diet?
  • How best do I make dietary changes?


  • Is my relationship with ______ right for me?
  • Why do I have a problematic relationship with ______?
  • How can my issue with ______ be resolved?
  • What is the life lesson I am learning from ______?
  • How best can I help ______?
  • Have I experienced past lives with ______?

("Significant" can be mother, father, sibling, spouse, lover, life partner, child (birthed, adopted, other), friend, or any significant person to you)


  • Should I look for a new job?
  • At what type of work would I excel?
  • What skills would I need to do ______?
  • How do I receive a promotiond (raise, etc.)?
  • How can I understand my boss?
  • What is the life lesson I am learning in this career?

Life's purpose

  • What do I need to know about my lifelong interest in _____?
  • Am I on the right spiritual path?
  • What is my primary life's purpose?
  • Why did I incarnate?
  • How many times have I incarnated on Earth?
  • Where else do I go besides Earth?
  • What skills did I bring with me when I incarnated?
  • What lessons am I here to learn?


  • How can I create more peace, (balance, abundance) in my life?
  • How can I improve my intuitive or psychic skills?
  • Who is my spirit guide or guardian angel?
  • What can I do to remedy difficulty creating in my creative process?
  • Where should I live?
  • How do I know my intuition is telling me something?
  • Why do I have difficulty making connections?
  • How do I change the direction of my life?
  • Why does ______ affect me so profoundly?

Miscellaneous Questions:

  • Many years ago, why did ______ happen to me? (ie. dream, vision, feeling, or experience)
  • What do I need to know about this ______?
  • What was the cause of this ______?

Do I Choose Past Life Regression or Quantum Hypnosis?

Past life regression is the basis for Quantum Hypnosis. The differences are as follows:

  • In a past life regression session, we focus on the most relavant lifetime to gain perspective and clarity to your most pressing issue. After, I ask questions pertaining to that lifetime and what you need to learn to help you in your current life. Session length is approximately 2+ hrs.
  • Quantum Hypnosis expands on past life regression by connecting you to your higher self or super conscious. I will ask the 20 questions you proviced to your higher self, as well as any follow up questions as needed. Session length is approximately 3+ hrs.

Facts About Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a focused state of mind through which we intentionally and unintentionally move in and out multiple times during the day while studying, working, daydreaming, driving, meditating, watching TV or movies, praying, and surfing our phones and computers.  

As more information about hypnosis becomes available, most misconceptions and false depictions are being addressed and resolved; however, confusion still exists due to media representation, and the fact list below should answer any questions you may have about hypnosis.

  • Hypnosis is not mind control. Mind control may be possible, but factors and systems must be in place for this to work, including but not limited to the use of drugs, sleep deprivation, and coercion.

  • Hypnotic trance is not a state of unconsciousness. It is a state of relaxation. During a hypnosis session, clients may be focused on their inner thoughts but are still fully awake and responsive; however, they may feel no difference between the trance and non-trance states.

  • The client is always in control. Because the client is conscious, they have complete control and can stop the session at will.

  • Hypnosis cannot make someone do anything outside their core personality. People only do, say, or behave within the scope of their sensibilities. A hypnotized individual will only respond to changes from their desire to do so.

  • Hypnosis does not create nor remove memories. A client may be able to alter a memory by changing how they feel inside it or making minute changes to "rewrite the story" surrounding the memory. The core memory will stay intact, and any hypnotic suggestion will fade unless accepted by the client, reinforced, and used consistently.

  • Not all memories that surface can be considered true memories. The mind is a repository of all experiences, including depictions of experiences accumulated through tales, stories, and media. Therefore, memory recall is spotty at best. 

  • All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. The hypnotist does not induce a trance state. The hypnotist is the guide or facilitator assisting the client as they put themselves into a trance.

  • There are different levels of trance. The deepness of the trance state fluctuates throughout a session, and each client sets the lowest level of depth in which they connect to the subconscious. Trance depth is not an indicator of success, and change occurs regardless of how deep in trance a client feels.

  • The conscious mind does not turn off. The client will experience intrusive thoughts arising during the session. A trained hypnotist can use techniques that will assist in quieting the conscious mind but can not stop it entirely.

  • The client may feel like they are making up the details. It is a common concern because the subconscious processes information and knowledge through the imagination. A client's willingness to access and use their imagination without question is the key to having a successful experience.

  • I don't see anything while hypnotized! Hypnotists use the words "see", "notice", and "inner vision" to convey information received through the imagination. This information presents mostly as an inner knowing, however clients may actually have visualizations, experiece emotions or thoughts, hear sound, or experience taste, or smell.

  • Shifting may continue to occur outside of the hypnosis session. It is possible for a client's subconscious to continue to process information received for days or even weeks after hypnosis. A client may also experience unresolved feelings, memories, or situations during or after a hypnosis session that may feel uncomfortable. We recommend keeping notes between sessions to record changes within the mind and body.

  • It is frustrating when change comes slower than expected. While a hypnotist can approximate the number of sessions needed, they can not guarantee how a client will respond to the process. Follow-up sessions are almost always required, and hypnosis is only one of many tools the client should employ to bring about the life they desire.


Please see Practice Policies and Terms.pdf, Client Rights and Responsibilities.pdf, or visit my Policies page for more information.

As a first-time client, is there anything I need to bring?

I require two forms to be filled and submitted:

These forms are fillable PDF's and can be located on the Forms page of this website. Links are also included in the session confirmation and remider emails.

How many sessions will it take?

Hypnosis is a process in which multiple sessions may be necessary to achieve your desired result. Healing is personal to each individual, and I cannot guarantee a preset number of sessions required to create the change you want. I suggest self-evaluation of and revisiting intentions and outcomes throughout your healing journey.

Are there clients or types of issues you won't work with?
Due to professional and personal limitations, I do not work with clients who fall into the following categories:

  • Children under the age of 18
  • Substance abuse and addiction
  • Sexual disfunction & fetishes
  • Individuals who experience schizophrenia or dissociative identity disorder (multiple personalities).

How much do you charge?

The price listed on my services page is my fee per session. Any listed duration is the average amount of time you and I will spend together. Due to the nature of hypnosis, sessions may run longer than the listed time. Additional time will be billed in 30 minute increments. Please keep this in mind when scheduling your appointment.

Do you take Insurance? Can I pay with an FSA or HCSA?

I am a private hypnosis practitioner and not affiliated with any insurance, flexible, or healthcare spending account programs. I am able to give you a receipt for your appointment, if needed.

What types of payment do you take?

Acceptable methods of payment include cash, credit cards, debit cards, PayPal, and Venmo.

Do you offer payment plans or a sliding scale?

We do not offer payment plans or a sliding scale for any service. All sessions are to be paid for in full at the time of booking or at the time of the appointment.

What is your policy on Session Recordings?
We record Past Life Regression and Quantum Hypnosis sessions and supply a download to clients interested in receiving one. We do not allow clients to use personal recording equipment during our sessions. Recording other types of sessions will be considered on a case-by-case basis. We do not allow our clients to use recordings for public posting or non-personal use without written approval.

What if I can't make it to my appointment or am not on time?

Kris Krueger Hypnosis has a 24-hour rescheduling/cancellation policy. Schedule changes are allowed from appointment confirmation up to 24 hours before the session. Clients may use the link in either the confirmation or reminder email, contact us by phone or text at 919-307-9957, or through regular email at

Last minute cancellations made within 24 hours before the scheduled session are billed at the ssession rate or prepayment forfeit, as we cannot rebook this time on such short notice.

We ask that clients contact us as soon as possible if they cannot make their appointment. Consideration for medical emergencies, contagious illnesses, and genuine extenuating life circumstances or events is at the discretion of Kris Krueger Hypnosis.

Clients running late for their appointments should call or send a text notification to 919-307-9957 as soon as possible. Arriving more than 15 minutes late without notification or failing to arrive at all is considered a no-show, and the client will billed for the session missed. No excptions.

While we will do our best to accommodate our clients, adding additional time to appointment blocks for late arrivals may result in additional fees.

We reserve the right to give 24-hour notice of cancellation or notice to reschedule a client's appointment due to illness or emergency.

General Wellness Precautions

What wellness precautions are you taking?

  • I run an ultraviolet light air purifier at all times.
  • I wipe down and clean all surfaces, doorknobs, and update bedding accordingly.
  • I will cancel or rescheudle a session when I feel ill or am running a temperature.
  • I may limit the number of clients I will see in a day during times of widespread illness, including influenza.
  • I ask that clients check for illness before arriving at my office. If symptoms are present, please reschedule or contact me immediately to explore available options.