Hypnosis - Transpersonal
(Standard Session)
Duration: 60 Minutes
Price: $125
Duration: 90 Minutes
Price $185
Transpersonal hypnosis incorporates clinical, spiritual, psychological, and energetic concepts to facilitate a body-mind approach to healing and change. These sessions help to identify where you feel stuck or hold yourself back. We will safely explore your worries, fears, beliefs, and destructive cycles that can create unwanted behaviors or feelings of low energy, anxiety, stress, self-doubt, and low worth. Release yourself from old conditioning, outdated defense mechanisms, and unwanted emotional responses while gaining an understanding of your triggers. Tap into the solutions to help you achieve greater peace, presence, and stability.
This session is for those who want to change habitual beliefs and patterns, clear emotional and energetic blocks, release themselves from unconscious behaviors, connect to and nurture their inner child, gain greater self-worth, or address emotional ties to their physical pain.
Intuitive Coaching
Duration: 60 Minutes
Price: $125
Duration: 90 Minutes
Price $185
Intuitive coaching sessions where you will explore, identify, and address the patterns and beliefs that create difficulty, stress, and unease in your life. Working in an open, compassionate, and non-judgmental space, you will find solutions that work best for you and learn skills to help you become more peaceful and grounded. You will connect to your truth and become more in tune with your inner process. *
This type of session is good for the client who doesn’t want or need hypnosis but still is interested in finding answers through logical and intuitive exploration of their thoughts and feelings.
Chakra Balancing
Duration: 90 Minutes
Price: $185
This hypnosis session works to open and balance the seven Chakras, or the energetic system within the body. We focus on each chakra, find where it is imbalanced, and clear old patterns, and beliefs blocking the flow of energy within the field. We then invite new and healthy signatures and affirm them into your being, anchoring them within your core. Not your typical Chakra Session.
This session is for the client working through emotional and energetic blocks and who is ready to work deep within to clear and balance the energy within their body. Knowledge of the chakra system is not required to experience positive results from this session.
Cord Cutting
Duration: 60 Minutes
Price: $125
Release unhealthy ties to people, places, things, and situations that no longer serve you. In this one-hour session, we will explore the energetic body and the areas you hold a connection to old relationships, places, situations, patterns, and beliefs. I will help you mentally and energetically release yourself while affirming your innate power.
This type of session is for clients experiencing breakups, unhealthy patterns in current relationships, career and job changes or reassignments, relocations, and other shifts where a clean break is warranted.
Past Life Regression
Duration: 2.5 Hours
Price: $300
Gain perspective on your current life by exploring a lifetime that mirrors patterns and obstacles that originated outside of this incarnation but may be holding you back. Learn from your soul’s path and see the dynamics regarding relationships or events that shape your current life. The approximate duration of a past life regression session includes intake and post-session debrief.
This type of session is if the client is at a loss to find answers for their current issue and believes it may have been brought forward from a previous lifetime or through karma. This session is also for those spiritual seekers who want to explore and experience a past life regression in a comfortable and safe environment.
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)
Duration: Up to 4 Hours
Price: $450
Quantum Hypnosis was developed by Dolores Cannon + as an extension of the past life regression session. After connection to an alternate lifetime, the process helps you to connect with your subconscious to receive healing or validation for your pressing questions or issues. As an experienced practitioner, I will help you move through this session as you gain perspective on your life and beliefs. While completely relaxed, you will regress to the most appropriate experience, accessing a lifetime of knowledge. You will then connect with your subconscious (higher self), guides, healing team, or others in the spiritual realm to receive wisdom, validation, and healing.
The duration of a QHHT session includes intake and post-session debrief.
This two-part session is for the spiritually seeking client who is broadly searching for answers or validation to questions about their life, path, and purpose. It’s for those who seek connection to their higher self and spiritual/healing team. This session is also for the client interested in experiencing a spiritual regression and soul/spirit connection in a comfortable and safe environment.
Quantum Mini
Duration: 2 Hours
Price: $250
After an adjustment period and integration of your Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) session, you may have follow-up or new questions you would like answered. You may be searching for clarity about the changes you are experiencing, revisiting existing issues, or exploring new issues to address. For this reason, I offer a two-hour follow-up session for all my QHHT hypnosis clients.
You must have experienced a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) with me to take advantage of this session.
The duration listed is approximate and may run shorter or longer. Session time includes an interview and post-session debriefing. Please consider this when booking your appointment.
*Lasting change is a process and multiple sessions are suggested to achieve desired results. While hypnosis and life consulting assist in one’s well-being, they are not a substitute for medicine, psychiatry, or psychotherapy
+For information about Dolores Cannon’s process, you can check out her Convoluted Universe series or any other books she has written about her session experiences.